Tutor - Terry Collinson BCST, RCST, SRP, APAM

A 2-day workshop

This workshop offers:

  • A deepening of experience of the exquisite nature of our foundation skills - Biodynamic and Resonant.
  • Honing and deepening of skills when working with trauma - what comes up with trauma as well as recognising the subtleties of a client's expression of trauma.
  • Exploration of how to enrol the power of the pause at every stage of the therapeutic relationship - somatic tracking during history-taking, subsequent enquiry, during hands-on or hands-off contact and between sessions.

Time: 9 am - 5.30 pm Day 1 ~ 9 am - 4 pm Day 2

Full fee: $399.50 (Early Bird and PACT fee $350 when paid in full three weeks before the workshop) Course notes, light vegetarian and gluten-free refreshments provided and lunch depending on the venue.